General Aviation
Airfield Information:
Airfield consists of two (2) asphalt runways, Runway 06/24 (7070’x200’) is equipped with an Instrument Landing System. Runway 18/36 is 6000’ by 150’.
Radio Communication:
Sydney Airport’s Mandatory Frequency is Charlottetown FSS 122.0
Private & Charter Aircraft Services:
Private aircraft operators have the choice of self-handling, or they can arrange for full FBO services with Kitpu Aviation. Email: fbo@kitpuaviation.com.
Our large general aviation apron, is equiped with embedded tie down anchors (owners must bring own tie down straps, limited numbers are available at the Commissionaire desk.
> Self-serve pay-at-the-pump 100LL aviation fuel is available on the General
> Aviation Apron, credit cards are accepted at the pump.
> Jet fuel service is provided by Menzies. Phone 902-564-8101 or 902-565-7314.
> FBO-assisted fueling services can be arranged through Kitpu Aviation FBO, Email: fbo@kitpuaviation.com
Ground Handling Service:
Ground handling service is provided by Airconsol Aviation Services. Phone 902-565-7313 or 902-567-0872
FBO Services, Ground Handling and Helicopter Charters:
Fixed Base Operator/Hangarage, Ground handling and Helicopter charter services are available on site through Kitpu Aviation FBO, Email: fbo@kitpuaviation.com
Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting (ARFF) Services
ARFF service is provided for aircraft category 5, 6 and 7 with 20 or more passengers between the hours of 5:00am and 1:00am. ARFF service after hours 1:00am – 5:00am, 2 hours prior notice required; fees apply.
Canada Border Services (Customs) – YQY Port of Entry into Canada
> The JA Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport (YQY) is a Port of Entry into Canada.
> Normal custom services are available at no charge from: Monday to Friday – 0800 – 1700 local time, Saturday & Sunday – 0800 – 1600 local time. Cost recovery outside normal hours and on Holidays. After-hours cost depends on number of officers, day of the week, etc.
> The Canada Border Services Agency Office (CBSA – Customs) at the airport is only staffed if required. You must call CANPASS to let them know you are coming 1-888-226-7277. The Sydney Airport has an account with CBSA and will invoice customers for after-hours border services so you do not have to set up an account with CBSA.
> The Sydney Airport CBSA can accommodate up to 200 passengers with staged offloads (44 passengers disembark at a time).
> Sydney is a CANPASS Airport. CANPASS is a Private Aircraft Program whereby private or charter aircraft that are registered with CANPASS can land at an airport of entry any time the site is open, regardless of the hours of operation of the local CBSA office.
> The 1-888-CANPASS (1-888-226-7277) toll-free line is only available in Canada and the United States.
> If a flight originates from a country outside Canada or the United States, the 1-888 number is not available and the pilot must call the TRC directly (long-distance charges may apply). TRC for All of Canada, Hamilton, ON, Telephone: 905-679-2073 Fax: 905-679-6877
> CANPASS Link – http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/prog/canpass/privateair-eng.html
Other Services
> Aircraft crew room available. Comfy sofas, TV, internet access – no charge
> Food Service: Runway Pub and Grocery